Dev.Pro supports Ukraine

Charity has always been a part of the Dev.Pro culture, but the war has surely brought changes. Now, we continue to develop charity direction and help those who are in need.

Discover our main charitable areas

Helping Children
Helping Children
We keep an eye on the orphanage in Olkhovatka. Here are activities we initiate
  • Renovating the bathroom by purchasing tiles, toilets, washbasin, and paying for the work
  • Modernizing the furniture in the children’s rooms
  • Bringing TV and children’s sofas.  Post in FB
  • Earlier, we also congratulated the children on St. Nicholas Day. We organized a visit with animators and Santa Claus gave gifts to the children.  Post in FB
Image Helping Children
Image Helping Children

Unfortunately, this center is currently under Russian occupation and is temporarily closed. All children stay with new families.

Helping the UA Army
Helping the UA Army
Since the beginning of the war, we do our best to use and distribute all the resources we have to speed up our victory

Donations for the army

Since the war started, we have donated money to the trusting organization “Come back alive” that supports our army. 
During the period of February—June, we were able to collect almost 17,000$.

Military leave for contractors

Specialists who chose to protect us, whether as a part of the Armed Forces or Territorial Defense, get help from the company. Contractor’s workplace is kept and he/she receives up to $3,000 monthly compensation.

Helping Animals
Helping Animals
Animal’s direction spans across cities of Ukraine — we take part in initiatives that support the existence of shelters.

Kharkiv (animal.rescue.kharkiv)

  • Purchasing animal transport cages $377

Dnipro (shelter_friend_ua)

  • Purchasing 90 vaccines for cats and dogs $393
  • Working with HappyPaw Foundation and building new walking areas for animals for “Pegas” $1700

Kyiv (Сats for Adoption Kyiv)

  • Paying for cat food, necessary toys and payment for veterinary services $575